New life is budding and fueled by living water. Every spring is a reminder of God’s faithfulness. It renews our understanding of the light to be found out of the darkness.
As the days get longer and the weather warmer, we know out in farm country that growing season is about to begin. But crops aren’t the only plants shooting up! Outside of our gardens and fields there’s an abundance of life provided to us for both food and medicine.
In this class, we will grow to respect the natural provisions and learn how to use them. Through highlighting one wild plant a week, we will familiarize ourselves with its appearance, where it’s found, how it can be used, and how to prepare it. All the while enjoying fellowship with our faithful fellow foragers.
Class will be held every other Tuesday 10-12 from May 17th to August 23rd (8 sessions) at our home. All ages are welcome to join as able.
Helpful tools to bring:
1. Your ‘Faithful Foragers’ folder (will be provided)
2. Gardening gloves
3. Pruning shears
4. A garden shovel and/or a hori hori (Japanese gardening knife)
5. A container to hold foraged items (paper bag, basket, a bowl…)
Resources and communications for each session will be made available via the links below. You will need to be logged in to view the content and leave comments.